Some people love writing. I'm not just talking about the occasional note sender or sporadic diary keeper, but those whose hands crave the feeling of the keys gliding along their finger tips as words begin to make magic across a page. I'm talking about the ones who see beauty, experience greatness, capture an emotion, and yearn to do nothing more than to document it on paper. Perhaps words come easily to you, or perhaps you're an appreciator of the words of others. Whoever you are, I'm glad you're here.
I love to write, I always have. Since the 7th grade when I was given the opportunity to write a story about anything, my imagination has been overwhelmed with the endless possibilities. Although my scribbles may not be the most eloquent to read, they are mine. They are an expression of me, and I will always claim them.
For those of you writers, you will understand the term "writer's block". And although some may not understand it, it is, my friends, a very serious thing. I don't know if you've ever experienced a place in life where your spirit was squelched, where you were simply going through the motions, forgetting what sets your soul on fire? Where the essence of your daily routine didn't match your wayward dreams?
I was there, and I didn't even know it. Life had turned into a series of menial plans upon plans and ceaseless duties that demanded nothing but my time and meager effort. My creativity, my love for people, my passion for new things and places and challenges was drowned in the mundane. I was not being stretched, challenged, grown...and I wasn't writing.
In May I was thrust into a different routine. The bar was set high for me to perform. I was overwhelmed, in the best way. Suddenly, a lot depended on me. Suddenly, I was surrounded by a slew of unique people who dreamed big. Suddenly, I began to dream again.
Yesterday, I felt it. My finger tips tingled just a little. I captured it, my lost desire, buried under the simplicity I had dumped upon it. I started to crave a blinking courser and a blank page that required nothing more than my creativity to fill it. I needed to write.
So, after a long hiatus, I am back. I am ready to write. I am embarking on adventure. I am dreaming big...and I am writing it all down.
From a grinning, coffee-filled, dreaming Darling.
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