It's a darling thing.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break She-nan-ies!

The Sunshine State.
The Orange Capitol.
The Southern Peninsula.
All Things Paradise.

Let me give you a little tastey taste.  Two of my besties, Grace and Brittany, along with a new friend, Lisa, made our way to the fine white sands of Siesta Key last week.  Please imagine four girls, their luggage, countless Arnold Palmers and Starbucks frappuccinos cozied together in a beaut of a Cadillac Escalade, making the 16 hourish trip to the swanky Siesta Key.  What a sight =)

Personally, I love a good road trip.  Buy the snackies, jam to some tunes, honk when you reach the next state, play road games, get a little road rage, watch the sights whizzing by.  Not all of the girls on this trip shared the same love of stuffy car treks like I do, but nonetheless, a very tired, hungry and somewhat queasy group of girls made it to a very warm and welcoming gulf where we first tickled our toes in the heavenly shore. 

Our little Florida adventure began as we moved into the remodeled condo, laid in the specially ordered sunshine, and ate at some of the most fabulous places I’ve ever been to in my life.  The party really got started with the arrival of the rest of Brittany’s family.  Once they came, Mr. David was determined to introduce us girls to the finer things.  And, yes, Walnut Crusted Shrimp, I will marry you.  It was such a delight to have someone who has worked hard and been blessed financially dote upon some more than grateful college girlies.  Mr. David and family - we are forever better because of you!

Here’s some picture of the sights we breathed in everyday … 

As far as funny moments go - know that our precious Escalade died twice.  Let’s just say that we became great friends with Terry, the security guard, and some precious grandpa driving a mini van.

One night when we got in the hot tub, we were greeted by a slew of senior citizens, one of which (we named him Jim) proceeded to tell us...everything.  From world famous artists to the inner workings of the Toyota company - we heard it all, according to Jim.

One night when we were at the little Sneaky Tiki restaurant listening to a local artist sing 15 year old hit classics, a load of spring break boys piled in and toasted to the Spring Break ‘99.  About 5 hours later, Lisa and I realized that they were referring to the songs.

On Lisa’s birthday we went to a fancy restaurant and our waiter accidentally dumped a pitcher of water on her lap.  Afterward we heard him admit to the other servers “I seriously just spilled water all over the hot girls.”  Classic. And, sucks to be you.

I took the lotion I used at the tanner and Grace and I lathered up…only to realize hours later it doesn’t contain even a touch of SPF.  Aloe was our savior. 

One afternoon us girls could be found eating ice cream and watching Jerry Springer.  Not our proudest moment - but let’s just say the crazies on that show made us feel like better humans. 

Lisa also "made eyes" at a server all night at a fancy Columbian restaurant we went to - later she called the restaurant, talked to him, and left her number.  He never called, but what a girl…she’s never been more scared during a phone call in her life, we couldn't have been prouder.   

The only defining problem with the whole trip was that it was over all too soon.  Thank goodness memories can last a lifetime <3 #cheesybuttrue

Oh, and if there’s one thing I learned through this entire shenanigan?  “There are worse things.”

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