It's a darling thing.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Day of School!

Yesterday was my first day of school! Every day I walk a little ways down the winding neighborhoods to a busy street. I then get picked up and taken on the most beautiful route to International Christian School of Costa Rica. Oriana, the guidance counselor, is the one who picks me up - and her daughter Camila is in my class.

I am teaching 5th grade with Mr. Valverde and so far I love it! Let me just tell you that these kids are SMART. They are all bilingual, as they all speak Spanish and this is a private English-speaking school, and some of them also speak Korean and/or Chinese. It’s absolutely incredible…and I feel rather foolish that I am there one-language-speaking-silly-young-American-teacher.

The school is fairly small - I have 21 kids in my class and there is another 5th grade class with about the same. Most of these kids have known each other their entire lives, and they also know the teachers - so the first day of school really only felt like the first day to me.

These little kittens are BEYOND CUTE and say the funniest things! For example, when asked what a picture of a ship could be in their history books, one kid shouted “Christmas Columbus!”. Today at lunch I asked one of my students what I was drinking (in Spanish - I was so proud!) and she hesitated and said, “I am nervous to say because sometimes it sounds like a bad word…peach? Yes, it’s peach tea.” I laughed as I realized with a Spanish accent that word could certainly sound like something I would never want to be called.

It has only rained once so far during the day (unusual for the rainy season) but let me tell you, it was cats and dogs! Something I have to look forward to during these next months :p

I slowly getting used to this culture full of cheek-kissing, umbrella carrying, and endless soccer playing. It’s certainly different from home, but it’s becoming my home away…

Until next time, I’ll leave you with a little peck on the cheek!


The look for a warm Wednesday...

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