It's a darling thing.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dear Mr. Oscar

Welp, here’s the thing. 
It’s been a while, a lot has happened, and I’m not quite sure where to start…

 I guess the first thing to mention is the fact that (NEWSFLASH!) Tweedledee apologized (read blog: You Had This Coming).  My death threat has been revoked, my girlfriends can stand down, and everyone is free to go about their business.  It was actually the sweetest thing - he waited until we were alone and confessed that he realized how he had acted and that he never meant it to come out that way.  He also confessed that he had a really hard time “reading” me (which I admitted was hilarious on my part) and that he really wanted to be friends. So, mission impossible accomplished. Tweedledee and I are now acquaintances/freindzies. Lucky him! When I asked him if he had read my blog, he said no…I told him he should =)

 Other than that - I’ve traveled to Kentucky for the Radical Conference, last weekend to Portland for the Justice Conference, and am heading to Siesta Key, FL on Thursday for Spring Break!! That being said, I have some really serious/thoughtful blog posts pending…stay tuned!

 But here’s a little tidbit regarding the Oscars the other night - I have some thoughts!

Firstly, I was ashamed to say that although I had heard about several of the movies that had Oscar nominations, I haven’t seen the majority.  But that will soonly be fixed (movie night, SB 2012!).  Everyone loves to rag on what the stars are wearing on the red carpet, how they conduct themselves, and what they say…and this darling is no exception…I took notes! 

 My first note was on the make up, because boy was there A LOT.  Not to say that if I were on TV that I wouldn’t want 12 layers of foundation caked on, but some stars seriously looked like they had been shot by a bronzer bazooka.  Any star’s hairdo near an open flame would have engulfed the entire event for sure…saving only Oscar himself, who’s a manly 8.5 pound gold-plated solid bronze. What a stud. 

That brings me to my next note: Oscar is not a dumbell!

George, I never thought I'd say this, but you're doing it wrong.

HOWEVER, there are certain starts that can do NO wrong…

Mr. Plummer, Meryl: we applaud you!

 Octavia Spencer, you are my new favorite! If you didn’t see her speech, it was basically the CUTEST thing ever…I’m freaking out! à

The little Oscar-party goers I enjoyed the show with were appalled at JLo’s wardrobe mishap…but alas - according to her stylist, there was no such thing à

Who doesn’t love Emma Stone?!?!

She’s hilarious, and her awkwardly charming humor stole the show in her swimmingly red bow-dress.

 In other news, someone get Angelina a sandwich. Fast.

 And lastly, Sandra will always be the very essence of class.  Although I hate the fact that her face looks somewhat altered from the first time I fell in love with her in While You Were Sleeping, she is a dashingly elegant lady through and through.

Here’s to Oscar, you sure know how to put on a show!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Call Me A...

Night Owl =)

There is something to be said about nighttime.  The dark, the quite, the peacefulness…and a rebellious spirit inside of me that screams to do the very opposite of what the world around me deems necessary.  Why I take such pleasure in staying up late is beyond me, but all-nighters are periodically my specialty.

Tonight is no exception, and I'm reflecting on my short trip to Kentucky.  I went with some wonderful young men and ladies to the Radical Conference at Southern Theological Seminary.  So, one may assume that I wish to write about all the speakers who convicted me and the truths I scribbled down during every breakout session – and I do – but not tonight.  Tonight I’m thankful for the glimmer of a memory and the people in it.

Have you ever been with a group that made you want to stay up late, eat taco bell, sing as you fly down the highway, and laugh about love lives and footy pajamas? Well, that’s exactly what we did.  We talked and laughed and sang and danced down the aisles of Walmart.  We were night owls, and we paid the piper the next morning to be sure.   But, we don’t regret it.

We found out what everyone would eat on their deserted island, we smashed a box of chips ahoy, we pounded some tacos, we basked in honestly. 

Here’s to the nights where you stay up late talking, praying, laughing, and loving.  Those wee hours are irreplaceable.  Embrace them; sometimes they’re more satisfying than the covers.

To those of you on that memorable weekend, thanks!

Matt à March 23rd McDangerous has a date, if you read it :p


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You Had This Coming

Dear Reader, do me a quick favor and pretend it’s still Monday (I wanted this out yesterday!)

Well, it’s a Man-hating Monday for sure.  I want to try this thing where I talk about Men on Mondays (mostly the good, sometimes the bad and, for now, the ugly).  Man, do I have a lot to say today.  Recently some things have happened to me, brought upon by my lovely opposite gender, that have rendered several to say, “you should really blog about that!”  So, if Tweedledee and Tweedledumb are reading this…you had it coming.

Tweedledee is a rather dishy fella who caught me while running errands with my friend (we’ll call him) Dearest. After catching my eye, he excitedly said he had a question for me.  He explained that he was invited to a rather swanky and dignified event on Valentines Day and rambled something that basically computed as: dancing, fabulous people, and a smashingly dignified dress to be sure.  My little darling heart skipped a beat or two at the thought of getting all dolled up to dance the night away!  At this point in the conversation Dearest made a sneaky exit, as he anticipated where this little convo was headed.  As Tweedledee’s piercingly blue eyes intently rested on mine, he confessed the need for a classy little date on that night.  Since it was Valentine’s Day, I knew I would be available, and with this charming gent in such desperate need - I ever so suavely confessed that I, myself, did not have any plans.
It was at this point that the world stopped.
Seriously, everything froze except for the venomous words spilling out of his mouth: “Oh, I didn’t mean for you to go with me, I just wanted advice on who to take….”
Now, readers, you must know that I hold myself to a very classy standard, with (from what I’ve been told) a fair amount of swag, so although I acted nothing but calm, cool, and collected, my insides screamed the very word that just uttered out of your mouth (Whhhaaaaaattt?).
Needless to say I was inwardly mortified.  Who DOES that?  **brace yourself…it gets worse**
After that beyond delightful conversation, Dearest, equally appalled at the audacity of this seemingly dapper chap, sent out an ambiguous little frustration Tweet.  As we watched it get Re-Tweeted, we stumbled upon Tweedledee’s most recent update - a plea for any available females on Valentine’s Day who were up for a charming little event.
Well (here comes the swag) I wish him well tonightbut I know he would have had a darling time with me!

Now, here’s the short little story about Tweedledumb.  He’s kinda cute, but his whit and humor are what wooed me in to be sure!  I came into contact with him for long periods of time and experienced nothing but playful banter (which is my FAVORITE) and shameless flirting.  This started upon our second meeting, and I was quite impressed: he cracked me up and kept me on my toes.  I was talking to some girlfriends that witnessed our interaction and I smiled and simply relayed that it was pure fun, and a little intrigue, or so I thought.  Turns out he had a girlfriend.  A serious girlfriend.  He NEVER would have mentioned her to me, and I really didn’t believe it at first.  I had a neutral party spy on our interaction - and she admitted that in the way he acted around me, one would never guess he was a taken man. 
I still see him on occasion and he still flirts it up, with the occasional snowball fight, practical joke, and never ending laughter.  If I was his girlfriend, I wouldn’t be the happiest.  I sure wasn’t.  Good thing I knew I should guard my darling little heart early…if only I had the same warning before dealing with Tweedledee.

So to Tweedledee and Tweedledumb, you have a lot to learn.  And, as much as I hate to admit it, this little darling does too <3

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Urban dictionary defines TWIRP as: A Man/Woman unable to adapt to normal society, performing random acts of annoyance, living in seclusion in trees or bushes, under rocks.  This, first of all, just kills me -- who hides in shrubbery? Well, needless to say, that is not what TWIRP means here at Cedarville University this week.  TWIRP stands for “The Woman Is Responsible To Pay” and let me tell you, some girls are going bananas about it - and I might be one of them!  Here’s the thing: for 358 days in a year, us fabulous Cedarville females are expected to float around and wait for one of our Cedarville brothers (who I do think the world of by the way, read my previous blog:) to MAKE A MOVE.  I heard this analogy once and I will NEVER forget it: men are the hunters, women are the prey, BUT the hunter doesn’t know the prey is there until she rustles some leaves.  If I had a nickel for every time I’ve told a girlfriend or been told myself to “rustle some leaves,” I could be treating myself to a grande cinnamon mocha from now until graduation (in 86 days!).  Although we love to rustle our leaves, so many times it seems as if the hunter doesn’t hear…or care…or he thinks the prey just wants to be friends.  Which is fine, it’s whatever…until it’s TWIRP week.  There was a joke going around Twitter that this is the ladies’ turn to take over CU, because we all know the boys “aren’t doing it right.”  Here’s the thing, it’s not that the boys are doing it wrong, it may be that they’re just not doing anything at all, and this little darling can’t really blame them.  Here at Cedarville there is such a pressure put on the entire dating affair.  Casual dating isn’t really something we do (what even IS that?) Therefore, guys are overwhelmed and just care too much to accidentally lead a girl on over a friendly coffee date.  And so commences TWIRP, and let me tell you what has happened: some bold little ladies are recognizing some amazing brothers in Christ and are treating them to java, donuts, and sometimes even dinner.  On Tuesday I went on a TWIRP hunt (it was latte for your hottay day) and below are the little shenanigans I saw going on around town…so with two days left, ladies, who are you gunna TWIRP??? 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dear Cedarville Boys...Forgive Me?

Recently I met a rather attractive (totally hot) boy from a university near my hometown.  It was a chance meeting, almost positive I’d never see him again type deal - but he friend requested me, so I accepted out of sheer politeness (and smitten flattery).  Nothing became of nothing for weeks until last night (ok morning) at 2am he messaged me.  So here I was with the option to respond or not to respond…to charm him with my whit or leave him wanting more.  I messaged him (duh) and boy was I amazed.  Amazed at the astounding way people can use so many words to say absolutely nothing.  I’m saving the conversation for some gray and rainy day when I need to remind myself why I’m single.  He said nothing…the substance of his stupid conversation made me wonder if he was seriously going to college, which apparently he is.  Upon clicking through his face book pictures (like any responsible female) which were filled with countless girls and beer bottles, I was intrigued to hear that he was double majoring - in Early Ed and Archeology to be exact (so young children and ancient artifacts beware).  While I was astounded at the fact that this suave smarty pants was double majoring, I was also peeved at the notion that I had asked all the questions and encouraged all the meaningful conversation within the hour we chatted (which was far too long).  I asked him what he was majoring in, what he wanted to be, what he does for fun.  His answers were vague to say the least.  Although he parties for fun, don’t worry, he remembers all his Friday nights.  And how could I forget all the LOLs…either everything he said was funny or he thinks the common acronym can suffice as a period.  Irreguarless, here’s what I know - I have been taking the guys at my lovely little safe University far too much for granted.  The fact that I can meander up a random gent on the sidewalk and carry on a normal, healthy, encouraging convo is apparently a miracle in the world we now live in.  Now I know I am grossly hyperbole-izing the topic (imagine that) but I’m serious in the fact that I have gone to school these past four years with some wonderful and solid men of God…and I am also realizing how incredibly rare and valuable that is.  Us Cedarville girls are so blessed and most of the time we don’t even know it!  So, here’s an apology for taking all the door-opening, umbrella-holding, and conversation-making for granted, you boys take the proverbial cake.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Smoothie Kick

What is it about a New Year that makes everyone want to be healthy?  It’s sickening really.  I came back from Christmas break to find my 3 apartment mates and the 4 girls next-door hyped up on work out plans and granola.  I hate yogurt.  I only like the green bananas.  Oatmeal was my arch nemesis…until…I put them all in a smoothie!  Who knew that peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, and milk could be mixed with my least favorite things to create magic.  Needless to say my new afternoon snack is packed full of protein and fiber, what more could my body ask for?  I’m telling you people, smoothies are the answer…to everything.