It's a darling thing.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dear Cedarville Boys...Forgive Me?

Recently I met a rather attractive (totally hot) boy from a university near my hometown.  It was a chance meeting, almost positive I’d never see him again type deal - but he friend requested me, so I accepted out of sheer politeness (and smitten flattery).  Nothing became of nothing for weeks until last night (ok morning) at 2am he messaged me.  So here I was with the option to respond or not to respond…to charm him with my whit or leave him wanting more.  I messaged him (duh) and boy was I amazed.  Amazed at the astounding way people can use so many words to say absolutely nothing.  I’m saving the conversation for some gray and rainy day when I need to remind myself why I’m single.  He said nothing…the substance of his stupid conversation made me wonder if he was seriously going to college, which apparently he is.  Upon clicking through his face book pictures (like any responsible female) which were filled with countless girls and beer bottles, I was intrigued to hear that he was double majoring - in Early Ed and Archeology to be exact (so young children and ancient artifacts beware).  While I was astounded at the fact that this suave smarty pants was double majoring, I was also peeved at the notion that I had asked all the questions and encouraged all the meaningful conversation within the hour we chatted (which was far too long).  I asked him what he was majoring in, what he wanted to be, what he does for fun.  His answers were vague to say the least.  Although he parties for fun, don’t worry, he remembers all his Friday nights.  And how could I forget all the LOLs…either everything he said was funny or he thinks the common acronym can suffice as a period.  Irreguarless, here’s what I know - I have been taking the guys at my lovely little safe University far too much for granted.  The fact that I can meander up a random gent on the sidewalk and carry on a normal, healthy, encouraging convo is apparently a miracle in the world we now live in.  Now I know I am grossly hyperbole-izing the topic (imagine that) but I’m serious in the fact that I have gone to school these past four years with some wonderful and solid men of God…and I am also realizing how incredibly rare and valuable that is.  Us Cedarville girls are so blessed and most of the time we don’t even know it!  So, here’s an apology for taking all the door-opening, umbrella-holding, and conversation-making for granted, you boys take the proverbial cake.

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